Strand Life Sciences

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For Patients

While conventional treatment for cancer involves chemotherapy, radiation or surgery, there are other classes of drugs that can be useful in the metastatic setting, or when the tumour is not localised to one organ. However, in order to determine whether these drugs might be useful for your particular case, it may be necessary to profile your tumour. By analysing the tumour DNA via Next Generation Sequencing, it is possible to identify the underlying mutations present in the tumour. Your physician can then choose the most appropriate targeted therapy option for you based on your profile. Sometimes these drugs may not be well studied in your tumour type, but there may be emerging data from smaller studies or data from other tumour types that can guide your physician. Hence Strand’s Comprehensive Genomic Profiling is well suited for those cases where clinicians and patients are looking for additional options beyond standard of care treatment.

Other Cancers

Bladder Cancer

The incidence of bladder cancer in India is 1.6% and it is the 17th most common cancer.  Mutations in certain genes are closely associated with bladder cancer and if present, can influence therapy and treatment decisions.

Late stage bladder cancer can be treated with chemotherapy. In addition,  certain kinds of bladder cancer may be treated with targeted therapy or immunotherapy. In order to determine if these are likely to be effective, the tumour is genetically profiled. Alterations in genes known as FGFR2 and FGFR3 are often seen to be present in bladder cancer. If oncogenic alterations in these genes are identified, Upon profiling your tumour, this suggests that targeted therapy will be effective. In addition, in certain cases, immunotherapy is also used for bladder cancer. Testing for levels of a protein called PD-L1 helps determine whether immunotherapy is likely to be effective. If your tumour shows the presence of PD-L1 protein i.e. is PD-L1 positive, then a favourable response to immunotherapy is more likely.  At Strand, we can test your tumour tissue for markers for both targeted therapy as well as immunotherapy.

Thyroid cancer

There are many subt ypes of thyroid cancer. Genetic testing is useful for certain subtypes such as papillary, anaplastic, and medullary thyroid cancer. Notable biomarkers in thyroid cancer include RET and BRAF.


Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour (GIST) is a particular type of gastrointestinal cancer that is different from gastric cancer. This kind of tumour often contains mutations in the KIT and PDGFRA genes. Targeted drugs against these mutant proteins are part of the treatment regimen for this cancer. Testing for the presence of mutations in genes can be beneficial in assessing whether you should be given these drugs.

Other Metastatic Tumours

Strand’s Comprehensive Genomic Profiling Test can be used on most cancers when additional novel therapeutic options are being considered. A few examples of such cancers are:

  • Gastric Cancer
  • Esophageal Cancer
  • Renal Cancer
  • Oral Cancer
  • Glioblastoma
  • Bile duct or gallbladder cancer
  • Live cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Metastatic carcinoma or cancer of unknown or unclear origin

Another type of therapy that is being increasingly adopted these days is known as immunotherapy. Immunotherapy drugs help in activation of the immune system so that it can fight the cancer and have been seen to be very effective in certain cases. Immunotherapy can be considered when mutational profiling does not identify key genes with therapeutic targets. There are a few markers for assessing potential  response to immunotherapy. Some of these are PD-L1, MSI (MIcrosatellite Instability)  and TMB (Tumour Mutational Burden). PD-L1 staining is a test that detects levels of the PD-L1 protein, one of the key players in the regulation of the immune response against cancer. Microsatellite instability and Tumour Mutational Burden are measures of a tumour’s immunogenicity, or foreignness in a sense, that can be measured by genetic profiling. A high PD-L1, MSI or TMB score indicates that the chances for a favourable response to immunotherapy are higher. Your doctor might order these tests if he or she is considering an immunotherapy regimen for you.

Test Portfolio

Test Name

No.of genes


MSK-ACCESS® Liquid Biopsy

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Somatic Advantage 74 Liquid Biopsy

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Comprehensive Genomic Profiling – StrandAdvantage 500 Basic (DNA)

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Comprehensive Genomic Profiling – StrandAdvantage 500 Advanced (DNA+RNA)

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Clinical Exome

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Whole Exome

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Homologous Recombination Repair Test (HRR)

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BCR-ABL translocation – Quantitative

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HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) Typing- High Resolution (12/12 match)

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PDL-1 by Dako

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PDL-1 22C3 (Dako)

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PDL-1 SP142 (Ventana)

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PDL-1 SP263 (Ventana)

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